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Сочинения, Краткие содержания, характеристики героев

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«И грянул гром» - Рэй Брэдбери | A sound of thunder by R. Bradbury сочинение (write your opinion of the story 200 words)
И так, по английскому языку мне задали написать небольшое сочинение о моем впечатлении о книге Рэя Брэдбери «И грянул гром». Вот англ вариант задания: "write your opinion of the story "A sound of thunder" by R. Bradbury (200 words)". Готовое сочинение, 270 слов:

After reading this book, I’d say that this is one of the best books, that Ray Bradbury has ever wrote, in my opinion. This book is interesting from the starting, to the middle,Till the end. So this story is about this dude anmed Eckels, and he pays to go back in time, to kill a dinosaur, with these people, but he to be careful that he doesn’t change anything, because what happens in the past, changes the future, for instance, Deutscher, has just been defeated by Keith, in the presidential election . So the guy lets him go with them, but he warns the dude first, that he MUST stay on the path, because tiny alterations, could change the future. So they goback in time, to go hunt for that T-rex, so they are on the path, looking for it, when all of a sudden eckel see’s the T-rex and falls off the path, . The group yells at him to come back, when they shoot down the T-rex, When he comes back, his boots are muddy and stuff. Furious at him, Travis tells him to take the bullets out of the dinosaur, or else he will leave him here. When he returns, he notices a change in how words are spelled, how people behave, and that,"D. Won the election of course", looking at the bottom of his muddy boot, he see’s a dead, crushed butterfly stuck under his boot. He wanted to go back in time so he can change what hes did, but he was responded by a sound of thunder.

Если это сочинение вам не нравится, то можете попробовать написать свое, используя этот небольшой шаблон:

When I read "A sound of thunder", by Ray Bradbury, this take for me a big impression, because (здесь описываете то что было в рассказе, и как великолепно автор это передал, примитивные прилагательные в помощь и т.п..) 
I think it is very serious(характерезуете книгу) and Ray Bradbury very good writer. That's all. 

И то что у вас получится, обязательно напишите в комментарии:) И кстати, фильм (как и сама книга конечно же) очень интересный, рекомендую к просмотру!

Категория: Сочинения | Добавил: Fip4uk (12.04.2012)
Просмотров: 3523 | Комментарии: 2 | Теги: Рэй Брэдбери, сочинение., A Sound of Thunder, R. Bradbury, И грянул гром | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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